As a kid in the 80's (remember, no internet!) these were gold. I used to sit and drool over all the different figures I would want. I would even circle the ones I wanted most, or even used a color code to show the order in which I wanted the toys, to "Want Most" to "Want Least, but still Want".

They made variations of the Action Toy Guide for quite a number of years that I can remember, but none were as good as the early stuff. I have a few saved, and hopefully I can dig them out and scan them in for your viewing pleasure. I grew up on this stuff!

Man, I wish I still had my Ecto-2. I played with it until it was destroyed!

Siiiiilver Haaaawks!! A pretty obvious Thundercats rip-off, but pretty cool nonetheless!

If you want to see the complete 1988 Kenner Action Toy Guide, check it out on my flickr page by clicking here!