Family Size! 62 cubic inches of 'taters!
It taunted, nay, BAFFLED us for a week!

Until Nick had a brilliant idea!

"We should go buy it! One per each!"

Little did we know, it came with bonus 'desserts' of gravy!

Dowis dove right in...

Rob and Nick were a tad more tactful in their methods of consumption...

"Goes down smooooooooth...."
Andrew: "Aghast and agog, and it's still early yet!"

Nick lost his patience...

He's got a heart of a champion!

Then Andrew grew impatient...

Insanity breaks loose...

An hour in, our team begins to struggle...

But one is undauted...

But then Rob gets a second wind!

Behold the madness!
Nick rises to the challenge!

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Success for our challengers!

Consumed by madness...

...Andrew defeats the monstrous potatoes!

At a high cost.... DIGNITY.

Rob's victory has led to a spud-induced coma.

Not to be outdone, Dowis meditates before his last stand! He can make it on his own!!

Fueled by Metallica, Dowis gives it his all, but faces difficulty.

Man down!

"I'll get you next time! Damned 'taters!"

Everyone's a loser in the mega-mash challenge.

The End...?