Saturday, February 19, 2005


Today went from blah, to good, to very blah, to awesome. Woke up late, got all cleaned up and pretty much sat around for a while. I had this great idea to make this week fun by making a Full House quiz and the person who got the most answers right would win something. Well, I made up all the questions and everything and was all excited, and Andrew was the first to take the test, and got them all right. That made me kinda mad... ruined my plans and buildup. Oh well.

Then I worked on thesis a bit, got some work done on level 3, which was good. The bad news is I got on a roll right when other Andrew came over to play Smash Bros. So I was sitting here in my room by myself coding while Smash Bros is outside. Suckage. By the time I was done with what I wanted to do, they were done as well. Then they started watching this terrible dvd I wasn't in the mood for, so I just sat here waiting to do something and nothing happened. That really sucked.

Now, I'm sitting here typing and talking with Jess on IM while it's thundering and lightning-ing outside. Oh man, it's soo cool. I have all my lights out, and since Jess is only 2 miles north, we're pretty much hearing and seeing the same thing. It is sooo tight, man. It's like being in the haunted mansion. Creepy and cool. Damn, this is so fun. Weather like this kicks ass. Nobody else here seems to care, but I'm just sitting here alone in the dark talking to Jess loving every minute of it. It's like the blah all day today led up to this moment. It's just so damn cool. Definitely the most fun I've had in a long time! I'm so in awe and creeped out and loving every moment. There goes another one! Too awesome beyond words. What a great night, I love it.


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